
Manuel Ortiz Rogelio Lalana


A list of the Cuban peracarid isopods is given: 57 genera and 118 marine and estuarine species, while of the terrestrial ones 47 genera and 76 registered species are presented.  The list of marine and estuarine species is updated, while annotations are given on the ecoregion, specific location, substrate and date of collection of each one. This has been prepared with the data compiled by the authors during more than 45 years of collection, separation and classification of these peracarid crustaceans. The one of the terrestrial species is based, mainly, on the results obtained during the development of the Romanian-Cuban expeditions, of the 70s, published in limited access journals, together with the later results of several Cuban specialists. The most important ecoregions for the number of species mentioned are the north-western  (North Havana-Matanzas) and the south-western (Canarreos archipelago), while in the ecoregions South-east (South coast of the east), South-central (Archipelago Jardines de la Reina) and Northeast (North Coast of the east), the appointments are null. The most common Cuban marine isopods are: Cirolana parva, Paracerceis caudata, Limnoria platycauda, Dynamenella perforata and Rocinela signata. The most common genus of terrestrial species is Pseudarmadillo with  16 species. Finally, the Cuban bibliography on the group not cited in the text is annexed.



Cuban isopods, taxonomic list, distribution

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How to Cite

Ortiz, M., & Lalana, R. (2018). Species list and distribution of the isopods (Crustacea: Peracarida) from Cuba. Novitates Caribaea, (12), 102–126. https://doi.org/10.33800/nc.v0i12.87

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