The isopods (Crustacea, Peracarida) associated to Bajos de Sisal coral reefs and Puerto Progreso, Yucatán, México
The abundance, distribution and faunal composition of the isopods associated to different substrates of Bajos de Sisal Coral Reef System and Puerto Progreso were analyzed. Hand samples by using SCUBA were obtained from May to June 2012, in 16 localities, at depths of 1-20 m. Organisms were collected from buoys, pilots, sediment, wood, coral rubble, sponges and algae beds. A total of 3,604 isopods belonging to five suborders, five superfamilies, 18 families, 28 genera and 49 species were identified. The Anthuridae was the family with the highest species richness (eigth species). The most abundant species was Carpiasalgicola (1,693 specimens). Algae was the most important substrata during this study. The locality with the highest abundance was Bajo de Diez (1,066 specimens), and Madagascar was the site with the highest species richness. Four species were first recorded for the Gulf of Mexico, while 14 species represent geographical extensions towards the southeast of the Gulf.
Isopoda, check list, distribution, SE Gulf of Mexico
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