
Hodali Almonte-Espinosa


The composition and structure of avian assemblage were analyzed at four localities located on the banks of Maimón River: confluencia Maimón river with Yuna river, highway Maimon-Piedra Blanca, Piedra Blanca y Los Plátanos. A total of 598 individuals belonging to 51 species and 28 families of birds were recorded. The Maimón-Piedra Blanca locality have registered the highest values of the Shannon index with H‘= 3.36, it was also the station with the highest avian abundance and species richness with 217 individuals and 43 species respectively. In contrast, the station located in Los Plátanos presented the lowest diversity and species richness with H‘ = 2.92 and 29, respectively, and the lowest abundance with 118 individuals. Seven trophic guilds and 15 trophic categories were registered. The carnivores and omnivores were the most diverse and abundant guilds. Significant differences were recorded on the relative abundance of birds by trophic guilds and between the studies areas (X² = 43.32, df = 18, p = < 0.01). Specie richness by trophic guild were not statistically different among studies areas (X² = 6.67, df = 18, p = 0.99). Significant differences were not recorded between trophic category by studies areas (X² = 39.34, df = 42, p = 0.58). Our results suggested that the avian assemblage associated at the Maimón River is equitable distributed. In addition, the bird’s assemblage was mainly composed for wide-ranging and habitat generalist’s species. Finally, although the studies areas were highly fragmented, they are an important refuge for resident and migratory birds.



abundance, riparian forest, trophic categories, species diversity, trophic guilds, richness

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How to Cite

Almonte-Espinosa, H. (2022). Structure and composition of bird assemblages associated with the Maimón river, Dominican Republic. Novitates Caribaea, (19), 24–42. https://doi.org/10.33800/nc.vi19.288

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