
Alexis Suárez Alejandro Fernández


Five new species from the genus Cerion Roding, 1878 (Gastropoda: Cerionidae) are described, been four of them from Holguín province, and one from Guantanamo province, increasing to 156 the number of species described for Cuba. As notable diagnostic characters are mentioned for Cerion orteai sp. nov., with type locality in Playa Baracutey, Ramón de Antillas, the presence of columellar teeth and a comparative taller parietal tooth; for Cerion naylae sp. nov., with type locality in Playa Carmona, Ramón de Antillas, the absence of ribs in the half of the shell; for Cerion espinosai sp. nov., with type locality in Playa Baracutey, Ramón de Antillas, the stair way adopted during insertion in suture; for Cerion moralespradoi sp. nov., with type locality in El Canto, Punta de Maisí, a rounded apex, and a bilobulate parietal tooth; and for Cerion harasewychi sp. nov., with type locality in Rafael Freyre, Gibara, a conch surface with unperceptible ribs. For all these species, data of radule and reproductive organs are given.



Cerion orteai, Cerion naylae, Cerion espinosai, Cerion moralespradoi, Cerion harasewychi, Cuba

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How to Cite

Suárez, A., & Fernández, A. (2020). Description of five new species of Cerion (Mollusca: Pulmonata: Cerionidae) from the eastern cuban region. Novitates Caribaea, (16), 80–97. https://doi.org/10.33800/nc.vi16.228

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