
Mercedes De Vargas Castro Juan Tomás Camejo Jiménez Jairo Martínez La Hoz Jean C. Castillo Dolores Paulino Pedro Ma. Alarcón-Elbal


Among the freshwater gastropods, many of the species of the family Lymnaeidae are involved in the transmission of the parasite trematode Fasciola hepatica (Linnaeus, 1758) worldwide. Galba cubensis (Pfeiffer, 1839) has been reported as a vector in South America and other areas of the Neotropics. The use of molecular techniques has been used by different groups of researchers to discriminate between species with conquiological similarity, such as those of the Galba/Fossaria group, clarifying epidemiological aspects of crucial importance in the study and control of fasciolosis. The objective of this research was to reconfirm with molecular techniques the presence of G. cubensis and distinguish it from other cryptic species such as Galba truncatula (Müller, 1774) and Galba shirazensis (Küster, 1862) in the northeastern and southern region of the Dominican Republic. Mollusks phenotypically compatible with G. cubensis were captured and conquiological measurements were taken. In addition, conventional PCR DNA analysis was carried out with specific primers for the three suspected species, with specimens fixed in 80 % alcohol. Amplification was obtained from a mitochondrial DNA region of the species G. cubensis only. The use of the technique confirmed that G. cubensis is, to date, the only lime species involved in the transmission of fasciolosis in the Dominican Republic.



freshwater mollusks, limneid, intermediate host, fasciolosis, Greater Antilles

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How to Cite

De Vargas Castro, M., Camejo Jiménez, J. T., Martínez La Hoz, J., Castillo, J. C., Paulino, D., & Alarcón-Elbal, P. M. (2020). Reconfirmation of Galba cubensis (Gastropoda: Lymnaeidae), host of Fasciola hepatica (Trematoda: Digenea), by molecular techniques in the Dominican Republic. Novitates Caribaea, (15), 51–62. https://doi.org/10.33800/nc.vi15.215

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